Friday, October 07, 2005

Why "The Witches' Hammer" ?

I couldn't decide what to call my book for ages. My college lecturer said it was really important to choose a strong title that would catch people's attention and make them want to pick up the book to see what it was about. Do you think TWH works? Please tell me if you don't - all suggestions welcome :-)

I got it from a translation of a book called the Malleus Maleficarum which was published in 1486. It's one of the most influential Witch-hunting manuals of all times and describes the detection and punishment of witches. I wanted to get as much contemporary source material as I could. I've found various extracts on the Net but I wanted a complete copy so I bought it as an E-book on ebay for 99p - I thought that was a pretty good deal!

In my book the ghost of a 17th century witch-hunter terrorises a present-day family. Some of them are Wicca-type witches and together they are able to defeat and banish him, hence the 'hammering'.

The prologue of the book is set in the 17th century and a lot of my current research is studying contemporary accounts of the trials and torture of accused women (and men). It is fascinating, and some of it is quite disturbing. I can't be too graphic in the book. I've written the ducking scene, now I'm concentrating on the torture. And how bizarre is that sentence!


Feena said...

I suppose it could have an effect, but it's a very short section in the Prologue (unless I decide to do more flashbacks) and I don't want to get all grim like some of the TV murder programmes like Messiah that seem to have been on a lot recently.

I'm not going to have intense sex scenes in it either. I guess writing that sort of thing just isn't me, and I want my Mum to be able to read it without me dying of embarressment!!

I've made a new pbwiki site where I've posted up some descriptions of a few torture techniques. I'm linking rather than posting them here so people can choose whether to read them or not.

Torture Techniques

Feena said...

Just wanted to add, they are quite graphic so please read with caution.

Feena said...

Oh, sorry, I didn't realise that, I thought you could read it, just not edit it.

I'll mail you and anyone else who wants it :-)

Scottish Toodler said...

I like the title, but I, too, wonder why you can't be graphic? Let the story decide. Maybe it's Ann Rice, but maybe it's Clive Barker, you know what I mean? Alot of times when I start writing I end up somewhere completely different then where I started. Don is awesome, btw, he is the answer to every writer's prayer! Glad you are posting so faithfully!!!!

Scottish Toodler said...

Ducking or dunking? Just curious???

Feena said...

It's ducking :-)

One 'foolproof' way to establish whether a suspect was a witch was ducking. With right thumb bound to left toe, the accused was plunged into a convenient pond. If he or she floated it proved an association with the black arts, with the body rejecting the baptismal water. If the victim drowned they (sic) were innocent. Given the curious position of the prisoner, it was more likely they would float
The Witching Hours

You're right, I'll start writing the scene and see where it goes :-)

Don is great, and so is everyone else who comments here!!

MR said...

Freakin Witch.. Cool Blog..

Feena said...

Hey, thanks :-)

Scottish Toodler said...

OH MY WITCH GODDESS HECATE!!! Please put that ducking shite in your book!! That is sick! BTW, I would have floated for sure.

Feena said...

Don't worry, it's already in. It's the really sick stuff that isn't, things like hammers and legs, red-hot pincers, etc.

I would have floated too, also I have natural buoyancy ;-)

Rand said...

I'm also in the process of writing a book; a project I thought would take six months but is now going on 4 years. There's a coauthor, and the process of collaboration slows us down some. Getting real-time feedback can be GREAT though. Maybe there is a way to utilize this blog in such a manner?

As for the title, I love it. It's very captivating. The storyline also sounds original. Here's a tip; I've noticed the more prolific writers have shifted their writing style for easy film adaptation. Perhaps you could do the same? The storyline would make a great movie.

My $0.02.

Feena said...

Thanks for posting rand and good luck with your book. I imagine working with someone else would make things slower. Do you live near to each other or do you have to work via email?

Feedback is always a good thing, even to say the writing is really bad, as long as it's constructive! *lol* Not sure how it would work on the blog but I suppose the wiki page might work. People could post their opinions on there. I'll have to think about it, thanks for the idea :-)

A film would be amazing, but I think I need to finish writing before I look too far ahead. Otherwise I'll start casting all the parts in my head and get very side-tracked. *lol*

Rand said...

At times we've lived near each other, but at other times we've been quite far apart. Now, we're back in the same town.

Thanks for the inspiring blog. I actually sat down and began working on a different project book tonight. Something I've struggled to do for some time. It feels great to write again.

Susan said...

I like the title of your blog and your explaination explains why you choosed it. Witches, hum, must be interesting.

Feena said...

It's fascinating. I'm researching modern-day witchcraft and paganism too. I'm getting advice on that aspect by a practising pagan who's helping me to make sure what I write about is accurate.