Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Pictures and Words

I've been reading what I've written and I know I need to put in more descriptive detail. Not go overboard on the adjectives, just help visualise the scene a bit more. I want to try and give an idea of the 'sights and sounds' of the place.

It's strange, when I'm writing it seems like I'm seeing and hearing it as a film in my head, then I write down what I've seen. Does that happen to other people or is it just me being weird? *lol*

I've had some advice (thanks guys), and I've been trying the dialogue out loud, and I think I've pretty much decided to scrap most of the 'thees' and 'thys'. I know that's how they may have spoken but it seems very distracting. I think perhaps that a reader is more likely to be distracted by the archaic speech than notice that I'm using 'you' and 'yours' instead. It just doesn't seem to sound natural. I'll still put in some contemporary words and phrasing so hopefully it should stand out from the rest of the novel which is set in the present day.


Susan said...

Oh, I have tried doing that. Visualize something, then, write it down. Of course it doesn't always come out good but it is a try.

Scottish Toodler said...

I'm weird??? YA FREAK SWIFTY!!! Just kidding. Writer's are weird, I am weirder than most. Feena, have you read THE YEAR OF WONDER (or is it Wonders?) She handles the historical really well, plus it is an excellent book and was a best seller. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0142001430/104-1047271-0397523?v=glance
I think you will like this book and that it will spur on your writing. It sounds like you are doing great. I think all writers "see" the story. Everyone I have talked to does. And I do. Sometimes I hear it, but usually I see it. The funny thing is, I can usually tell if I am "seeing" a script or a novel. Weird.

Feena said...

Thanks, it sounds really good. I've just ordered it on Amazon, it says it'll be about 4-6wks for delivery but hopefully I'll get it before then. I've been to Eyam, the Plague Village, and it's a fascinating place.

So not only are we madly eccentric we're all weird too *lol*