Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mad or Eccentric?

Does anyone else have conversations with themselves or other people in their heads? I do a lot, especially now I'm working on the book - that's my excuse anyway *lol*. Usually it's in my head but sometimes it's out loud, mainly when there's no one else around (but not always!). I talk to myself while I'm sitting at my desk at work or out walking in the fields at lunchtime. I'm usually planning out stuff, but sometimes it's proper conversations with other people.... *realises she's sounding like a complete loon who needs to increase her medication*.

It's said that poor people are mad, but rich people are this means I'm mad because I'm definitely not rich!!! Maybe in a few years time when I'm a world-famous author who's richer than JK Rowling (yeah right!) I can look back at this and say that back then I was clearly eccentric and poor, but not mad.

I'm writing this at work, on my email. Sometimes I get creative urges at work (especially when I'm bored with what I should be doing), so I have to write it all down. Then I email it to myself at home and work on it there. It's amazing how much I can write when I'm here and shouldn't be doing it, compared to when I'm at home. My boss was out at a meeting one afternoon and I wrote over 500 words in just over an hour!! It's not usually like that :-)

I think I need to set myself a target to write a minimum number of words a day. If I get behind I have to try and catch up at the weekend. I've read in a "How To Write a Bestseller and Become a Billionaire Overnight" book that by doing that, even if what you write is rubbish and you scrap it all the next day, your mind gets in the habit of producing something regularly. It does sound like sensible advice, I'll try it.


Unknown said...

I not only talk to myself...I answer myself as well! I prefer to think of myself as madly eccentric. :)

Scottish Toodler said...

I have been off work since January of 2004 and barely produced what I would working full time. I realised that I had gotten in the habit of "thinking" about writing instead of writing. I started blogging a radio show I listen to (Jonesy's Jukebox)and suddenly the flood gates opened. Last week I admitted defeat and quit blogging his show, because even though I am working again, I can't stop. And now I am a blog frog to boot, which I just learned from Mental Excrements, which I linked from Turtellini. I am witch and writer too, and I am bookmarking your site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's plan to meet next year in acclaimed writer's land with ole JK!!!!

Feena said...

Madly eccentric - I like that! That's what I'm going to be too *lol*

I've found it's much easier to 'plan' what I'm going to write instead of actually doing it. I think it's a good idea to meet up in that far & distant land once we're both as widely read as she is!!!

I'm bookmarking your site too :-)

Scottish Toodler said...

BTW, do you know exactly WHERE acclaimed writer's land is? cuz my map is all wrong!! (damnit!) I think I must be madly eccentric too!!!!! That way, none of us has to switch adjectives when we become rich, hehehe!!!

Susan said...

All the time. I find that if you talk out loud you can solve some problems on your own. It is like you are talking to someone and your mouth answers you. LOL! I have a habit of talking with out getting permission to speak. So, does that make us looney?

Gammys Perspective said...

After reading this I have given a huge sigh of relief. I thought I was going crazy because I always have things going through my head. So now I know I'm not the only one who talks to themselves and I too would like to think of myself as madly eccentric. One last thought. I think work brings out the creative side in all of us. It helps with the boredom of routine in the work world. I like that emailing things to yourself and then working on them at home. Hmmmm....nice.

Feena said...

Glad you've realised you're not crazy gammys perspective, we're all just madly eccentric :-D

And I think you're right, Don, any writing is good.