Saturday, January 14, 2006

Midway-thru-January Resolutions

Well. where does the time go to? I think I did quite well with this to begin with, but then made the fatal mistake of stopping! It's hard to get motivated again, especially around Christmas.

But here I am again - two posts in one day!!!

I got nowhere with NaNo but I am determined to keep writing my novel. I definately know that I'm one of those people who need lots of encouragement to realise that they can actually write okay. All the people who comment here at my Blog do that, and I thank you. I decided I also wanted to try a creative writing course that might help stretch my abilities.

I Googled and found F2K: Fiction Writing for the New Millennium. Everyone who registers is put into a virtual classroom and all the members comment and encourage each other. It runs for seven weeks with a new assignment posted every Wednesday, and I've posted up my first one!!! It's a bit daunting, but I'm enjoying it so far.

I think I might post my assignments here as well, then you can see some of the stuff I'm writing too. Maybe.

Well could you all cope with three posts in one day from me?!!!


Feena said...

Thanks Bob, I'm definately more of the 'basher' type. My first assignment was only two paragraphs long and it took me hours to get it right!

I'm really going to try with the persistence :-)

benning said...

Don't care for Vonnegut, but love so much of Bradbury's stuff. Still consider Heinlein the best of all.


Nice blog, Feena. Eclectic, to say the least. Jeepers! F2K gets billing here, too! Wow!

Well, why not? F2K got billing at my blog as well! Heheheee!