Thursday, October 27, 2005

I failed

I only got 4 minors (you can get up to 15 and still pass) but I got 2 serious faults so it was automatic fail after the 1st one...which was about 3 minutes into the test!

I was going up a narrow street and I should have waited for a lorry coming in the opposite direction to pass me. I hit the kerb in my parallel park so that failed me too.

I was het-up before I even began, so I'm not really surprised, though obviously I'm gutted about it. When I pulled the lever inside the car to open the bonnet on my pre-test check I cut my finger and it wouldn't stop bleeding. I've got blood all over my trousers, the car side window, the floor in the toilets in the examining place (but I did wipe that up!) and pretty much everywhere else I went! They didn't have any plasters there, they're not allowed to in case someone has an allergic reaction, so my instructor went to the corner shop to buy some for me.

Still. it's not the end of the world, I can take it again.


Feena said...

*lol* it's a bit worrying isn't it??

I was upset at the time. I knew I was gonna cry, pass or fail, at the end of the test. Unfortunately the crying started before it. The examiner said I could sit down for a bit rather than get on with it, but I think really they just wanted me out of there before I bled all over the floor. I cried loads when I got home but I'm okay now.

Glad it made you laugh :-D

Scottish Toodler said...

Chin up Feena!!! You will pass next time I know it!!!! It was just a bad day, that's all!!!