Saturday, October 15, 2005

I'm still here...

Sorry I've not written anything here for a few days, don't worry I've not given up on it :-) I've had a bit of a block on what to Blog about...which I suppose is worth an entry in itself.

I've not really written enough in my life to get 'proper' writer's block. I read about authors staring at a blank page, or nowadays probably more likely an empty screen, and they just can't write a single word. Nothing's there. When I'm trying to think of things to type and nothing's happening, it's usually just because I get distracted by things rather than I have an empty head.

In rand's blog he says that he wants "to be engrossed, undistracted, deep in the magical world of writing". That does sound wonderful. I think I need to spend more time at my word-processer instead of the machine that opens the door to the Whole Wide World.


Scottish Toodler said...

Darn internet... always off reading someone else's blog instead of writing... hehehe...

Feena said...

Hehe - back from Eastbourne and the second thing I check (after my emails) is my blog....and other blogs....and more blogs. I think I need that therapist!

In the meantime I'm going to go with the surfing=research theory :-D