Saturday, August 04, 2007

Two Posts in One Day!

I know, amazing isn't it.

I've had a bit of a play with the 'new features' of blogger. It's nice to have the option of pink writing on an orange background but I decided it didn't really fit the theme of my book. So I've pretty much kept it the same as before, just added a bit of purple text.

I've not written much for my novel recently but I suddenly decided the other night that I was going to start again. I've felt a bit down recently so I hope that this will help cheer me up a bit, or at least give me something more creative to do.

I've signed up for another course that starts next Wednesday.

Plotting the Plot
This course will show you how to build a plot around your story idea, using a plotting system.

It's only three weeks long so it should be fairly easy to stick with it!

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